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The variation of theories of Truth in Continental and Analytical philosophies in 20th Century (24992 Views)
Heidegger and Searching for the Meaning of Life (5811 Views)
تعالی و تدانیِ الهی از منظر علامه طباطبایی (5701 Views)
Heidegger on Aesthetics & Art: Art as Manifestation of Truth (5021 Views)
امکان یا امتناع معجزه از نگاه سوئین برن و مورگان لاک (4929 Views)
The Role of Reason and Revelation in Ghazzali’s Theological Thought (4887 Views)
The Source, Variety and the Structure of Gods Attributs Theories in Kalam (4856 Views)
Certainty & Effect of Practice on It in the Quran (4573 Views)
Comparative Study on Foundametalism in Suhrawardi and Tabatabaei’s Thoughts (4439 Views)
The Explanation of Nature and Reason of Religion in Tabatabaei’s Thought (4427 Views)
Quine on Method of Epistemology (4418 Views)
Review of Historical Development of effect of Will on Knowledge (4288 Views)
The Study of Shariati’s Methodological Approach to Fundamental Principles of Religion (4179 Views)
Meditations on Self Evidence of Principality of Existence (4094 Views)
اندیشه کلامی غزالی درباره نسبت بین اراده الهی با اختیار و اراده انسان (4045 Views)
Faith from the Viewpoint of Qurān and New Testament (4024 Views)
Rejection of the Traditional Theory of the Torment of Hell based on the Doctrine of Divine Love by Jonathan Kvanvig (3416 Views)
جایگاه هگل در پراگماتیسم آمریکایی (3346 Views)
تبیین عقلانی ملاصدرا از معاد جسمانی و معاد قرآنی (3235 Views)
ماهیت نفس از دیدگاه نوخاسته گرایی و ملاصدرا (3112 Views)
نقش انسان شناسی عرفان اسلامی و هندی در همزیستی بشری (3066 Views)
هرمنوتیک و فهم متن از نگاه گادامر و شهید مطهری (3025 Views)
فلسفه سیاسی اسلامی و چالش جریان نو اعتزالی معاصر (2972 Views)
Analysis and Investigation of Jaegwon Kim’s Viewpoint on Mental Causation (2848 Views)
Neo-Sadrian Versions of The Truthful Argument and Their Innovation (2533 Views)
Plato on "Critique of Democracy" and "Praise of the Philosopher King" (2416 Views)
دیدگاه ژیلسون درباره اصالت وجودی دانستن توماس‌ آکویناس (2412 Views)
نسبت طینت، قضا و قدر با اختیار انسان از دیدگاه علامه طباطبایی (2257 Views)
رابطه عقل و ایمان از دیدگاه سویین برن (2163 Views)
پلانتینگا و مسأله تعارض میان علم و دین (2015 Views)
مفهوم حقیقت در اندیشه ریچارد رورتی (1968 Views)
A Comparison between Heidegger and Gadamer on Plato’s Dialectic (1919 Views)
فایده‌گرایی اخلاقی از دیدگاه هِر (1882 Views)
The Nature of Faith from a Metaphorical Point of View in Cognitive Sciences (1844 Views)
Different Theories of Things and its Effect in Explanation of Consciousness (1826 Views)
The Relation Between Immortality and Believing in the Hereafter Concerning Human Being’s Meaning of Life (1741 Views)
Mullasadra’s Viewpoint on the Art (1697 Views)
Virtue and the function of religion (1672 Views)
A Critical Study of Belief in the External World in the Thought of Empiricist Philosophers (1656 Views)
The Position of Induction in John Stuart Mill’s Logical System (1647 Views)
The Role of the Bible in Strengthening the Apparent Understanding of God in the Qur’an (1575 Views)
The Problem of Evil and the Creation of Satan in the Good System with Emphasize on Sadra's Philosophy (1565 Views)
Avicenna on Soul’s Origination (1559 Views)
Obstacles Ahead Philosophy of Religion in Iran (1558 Views)
The Theology of the Event; Critical Reflections on “Religion without Metaphysics” From the Perspective of John D Caputo (1555 Views)
Intertextuality and Religious Language (1541 Views)
Genuine Christianity According to Kierkegaard (1522 Views)
Free will and Creation of actions from Fakhr Razi’s viewpoint (1520 Views)
Faith, Death, And Meaning of Life in Thought of Kierkegaard and Sartre (1518 Views)
A comparative Approach to the Aesthetics of Colors in Islamic and Western Thought (1486 Views)
Total Sum: 283572

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