Faculty member Kharazmi University
Abstract: (1980 Views)
Searching for immortality and spiritual perfections is one of authentic and essential properties of human being. The event of death, but, is as the most important obstacle against actualizing human being’s immortality. Since due to dying, his/her hope regarding immortality will be destroyed. So, if human being considers his/her immortality restricted to this mundane universe, confronting with death will involve with despair and lose his/her meaning of life. Answering to such a problem, the most significant strategy is the teaching of hereafter, that is, believing that death is not the end of our life, but the real object of our immortality will actualize in the hereafter life. By helping of such teaching, not only human being’s authentic desire of immortality will get its real meaning, but he/she considers death as the primary step for interning to the immortal hereafter. So, teaching of hereafter, meanwhile guaranteeing the real object of our desire concerning immortality in the hereafter, makes meaningful his/her mundane life and its goods and evils. In this paper, it is aimed to analyze human being’s virtues regarding immortality, and to study their relations with the teaching of hereafter, and their role for making meaning to his/her life by referring to Islamic teaching like the verses of the Quran.
Article number: 5
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