Submission Instruction

 | Post date: 2022/02/9 | 
files to upoal:
1. original paper with name(s) of author(s) and related affiliation(s);
2. a copy of draft paper without any name, personal information or clue (it is for review process);
3. if the paper is in Persian an English translation of the abstracts (abridged and detailed) is needed;
4. fill in and upload the Ethic and Copyrights form for submitting Articles

acceptance policy:
1. We welcome any kind of unpublished papers and topics which are academic and scientific, authentic and from author(s)'s studies
2. we are open access journal with no fee for any stage of article publication; therefore authors do not charge for review or publishing their papers. 
3. to protect other researchers and authors MI has a strict anti plagramism policy and follow articles and rules of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics); see here for ethical toolkit.
4. every recieved paper will be subject to similarity-check with SAMIM and TIK at first; in case of similarity we let the author(s) know.
5. all recieved papers would be review with double-blind peer review process, in which at least two scholar who are experts in the subject of the paper review the draft. if both accept the paper, then the article publishes, if they need revision then after revising the process will start. if both reject, then the article is rejected. and if one reviewer accept while other reject, we send it to third one, whatever is her opinion make the final decision.
6. we let you know reasons of rejections and in every case and every stage authour(s) have the right to send concerns.
7. it is needed to upload a file of you paper without any names or information or clues that make it possible for reviewers identifying you. thus do not put any reference or other information in the paper which make it possible for reviewer to identify you; that indulge our double-blind review policy.
8. please do not submit your paper to other journals simultaneously; we try to review papers in short time.

format of papers:
unpublished, authentic, pioneer researches of the author(s) which are well demonstrated and followed research ethics and codes.
citation method: APA style
abstract word count:  abridged 200-250 words, detailed abstract ~ 1000 words
keywords: 5-7 words
detailed abstract: 1000 words
paper word count: under 8000
copyright policy: authors by submmitting and filling the related form asigning the right of any kind of publish or re-publish, including commercial, to the publisher.

for students and junior researchers:
for an abridged explanantion of a well studied philosophical paper see A Brief Guide to Writing the Philosophy
and, for make familiar with APA style for citation please see official website of APA
also, it is necessary for all researchers to know about research ethics; for that see COPE
in case of acceptance, your paper would be open access policy.

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