Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2023)                   پژوهش های مابعدالطبیعی 2023, 4(2): 71-104 | Back to browse issues page

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Soulikhani A A, Alavitabar H. Genuine Christianity According to Kierkegaard. پژوهش های مابعدالطبیعی 2023; 4 (2) :71-104
URL: http://mi.khu.ac.ir/article-1-260-en.html
1- Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba'i University , Kantianist1781@gmail.com
2- Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba'i University
Abstract:   (1769 Views)
Kierkegaard’s aim was to understand Christianity and act according to it. To reach this aim, he first rejects official Christianity and then explains his version of Christianity, that is, the genuine one. Official Christianity has shown itself in the form of academic Christianity and ecclesiastical one. The academic Christianity, whose leading figure is Hegel, on the one hand tries to prove the Christian doctrines with rational arguments and make Christianity reasonable, and on the other hand seeks to justify Christianity with the help of historical evidences. The ecclesiastical Christianity, on the one hand, has a collectivist approach towards Christianity and therefore sacrifices the Christian individual, and on the other hand, transforms Christianity into a social institution and by reducing it to some rites and rituals tries to simplify Christianity. But genuine Christianity walks in an absolutely different way. It rejects reason, collectivism and simplification and puts emphasize on faith, individuality, suffering and passion.
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Philosophy

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