Metaphysical Investigations

Metaphysical Investigations

The Biannual Journal of Metaphysical Investigations has been active since 2013 under the license of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. Initially named "Esharat", the journal was renamed to Metaphysical Investigations in 2019.
This journal focuses on research in the fields of metaphysics and theology and holds a
"B" ranking from the Ministry of Science's Journals Commission. It has an impact factor of 0.041 in the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) database. The journal is published electronically (online) on a biannual basis in Persian, with English abstracts and references.
Key Features:
Average Review Time:
6 months
Initial Evaluation: Completed within one week
The journal collaborates with the Iranian Association for Philosophy of Religion under an agreement with Kharazmi University. 
Important Guidelines for Authors Submitting Articles

Dear Authors,
Please note the following when submitting your article:
In the Biannual Journal of Metaphysical Investigations, both research and review articles are eligible for consideration and publication. All submitted articles will undergo a plagiarism check through similarity detection software before entering the review process. If any suspicion of plagiarism is found, actions will be taken in accordance with the Scientific Misconduct Regulations of the Ministry of Science, and the case will be reported to the affiliated university of the offending author.

Key Notes:
Author Information: The order of authors' names, academic ranks, and institutional affiliations provided in the article cannot be changed on the acceptance certificate. Ensure that the information is accurate and correctly ordered when registering the article in the system.
Mandatory Compliance: Failure to adhere to the following requirements will result in your article being excluded from review.
Preparation Guidelines: Carefully review the Author Guidelines section before submission and format your article accordingly.

A) Required Files for Submission:
Main Article File:
Must include:
Article title: Authors’ names and information (Name(s), academic or professional title(s), full name of the institution where the research was conducted, and institutional email addresses)
Article Structure: Abstract (in Persian and English), Keywords, Introduction, Theoretical Framework, Literature Review, Research Methodology, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References
Anonymous File: This file must be identical to the main article file but without any mention of the authors’ names or affiliations. Authors are responsible for removing all identifying information from all parts of the article.
Ethics and Conflict of Interest Forms: Authors must download the Ethics and Conflict of Interest Forms (via the provided links), complete them, and attach the files during article submission in the designated section.
Plagiarism Certificate: Upload a similarity report certificate from the Samim Noor Platform. All submitted articles will be checked for plagiarism before entering the review process. Any cases of suspected scientific misconduct will be dealt with according to the Ministry of Science's regulations, and the affiliated university of the offender will be notified.

B) Article Processing Fee Payment:
The Biannual Journal of Metaphysical Investigations charges authors a processing fee of 7,500,000 IRR as per the Ministry of Science regulations.
Payment Instructions:
Log in to your personal dashboard, select the Complete Invoice option, and access the online payment gateway. Payment can be made using Iranian Shetab member bank cards.
By following these steps, your article will proceed smoothly through the submission process. Thank you for your cooperation!

Main Image

Metaphysical Investigations

2024، Volume 5، Number 2

Online ISSN: 2783-2198



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