, Payam-e-Noor University, Iran , h_abasi@pnu.ac.ir
Abstract: (711 Views)
The discussion of the relationship between Human and God is concerned with the different relationships between man and God in terms of the Qaus of descent and the Qaus of ascent. The question is, what kind of relationship between Human and God can be imagined in Ibn Tufail's thought based on the treatise "Hay Ibn Yaqzan"? Or a way to achieve the relationship between a person and God and God’s presence? And what is his chosen path? Based on the treatise, Ibn Tufail talks about a character called "Hay" and describes the different levels of his life, from the level of individuality and monotheism to the social level, his solitudes, reflections and meditations. In this treatise, "God" has an important place as the goal and happiness of Human, and the relationship between Human and God is of two types. One type of personal relationship is based on the similarity of Human to God based on the principle of "separation of the soul" which leads to the connection and :union: with the divine essence in the stage of "annihilation" and the other type is the individual-social relationship through Sharia law. The method of this article is rereading the descriptive-analytical treatise of Hay-Ibn-Yaqzan. And its achievement is the explanation of the relationship between human and God through philosophy, and in Ibn Tufail's thought, philosophy and religion reach a single truth.
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