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The variation of theories of Truth in Continental and Analytical philosophies in 20th Century (24830 Views)
Heidegger and Searching for the Meaning of Life (5607 Views)
تعالی و تدانیِ الهی از منظر علامه طباطبایی (5552 Views)
امکان یا امتناع معجزه از نگاه سوئین برن و مورگان لاک (4817 Views)
Heidegger on Aesthetics & Art: Art as Manifestation of Truth (4809 Views)
The Role of Reason and Revelation in Ghazzali’s Theological Thought (4703 Views)
The Source, Variety and the Structure of Gods Attributs Theories in Kalam (4692 Views)
Certainty & Effect of Practice on It in the Quran (4330 Views)
The Explanation of Nature and Reason of Religion in Tabatabaei’s Thought (4275 Views)
Comparative Study on Foundametalism in Suhrawardi and Tabatabaei’s Thoughts (4263 Views)
Quine on Method of Epistemology (4208 Views)
Review of Historical Development of effect of Will on Knowledge (4156 Views)
The Study of Shariati’s Methodological Approach to Fundamental Principles of Religion (4003 Views)
Meditations on Self Evidence of Principality of Existence (3899 Views)
Faith from the Viewpoint of Qurān and New Testament (3859 Views)
اندیشه کلامی غزالی درباره نسبت بین اراده الهی با اختیار و اراده انسان (3808 Views)
جایگاه هگل در پراگماتیسم آمریکایی (3224 Views)
Rejection of the Traditional Theory of the Torment of Hell based on the Doctrine of Divine Love by Jonathan Kvanvig (3172 Views)
تبیین عقلانی ملاصدرا از معاد جسمانی و معاد قرآنی (3045 Views)
ماهیت نفس از دیدگاه نوخاسته گرایی و ملاصدرا (2980 Views)
نقش انسان شناسی عرفان اسلامی و هندی در همزیستی بشری (2935 Views)
هرمنوتیک و فهم متن از نگاه گادامر و شهید مطهری (2856 Views)
فلسفه سیاسی اسلامی و چالش جریان نو اعتزالی معاصر (2839 Views)
دیدگاه ژیلسون درباره اصالت وجودی دانستن توماس‌ آکویناس (2284 Views)
Analysis and Investigation of Jaegwon Kim’s Viewpoint on Mental Causation (2274 Views)
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:: Most Downloaded Articles
Heidegger and Searching for the Meaning of Life (4778 Downloads)
Faith, Death, And Meaning of Life in Thought of Kierkegaard and Sartre (3217 Downloads)
Happiness and Its Relationship with Religion in the Thought of Ibn Sina and Feydh Kashani (3189 Downloads)
Aspects of Human Beings’ Need to Religion & Revealed Teachings (1987 Downloads)
Quine on Method of Epistemology (1940 Downloads)
Heidegger on Aesthetics & Art: Art as Manifestation of Truth (1818 Downloads)
Plato on "Critique of Democracy" and "Praise of the Philosopher King" (1626 Downloads)
اندیشه کلامی غزالی درباره نسبت بین اراده الهی با اختیار و اراده انسان (1152 Downloads)
The Problem of Evil and the Creation of Satan in the Good System with Emphasize on Sadra's Philosophy (1065 Downloads)
How the World Come into Being and its Relation to God in Timaeus (1004 Downloads)
A Critique of Schopenhover's View on Authority (961 Downloads)
Rejection of the Traditional Theory of the Torment of Hell based on the Doctrine of Divine Love by Jonathan Kvanvig (939 Downloads)
Critique and Assessment of the Arguments for Denying the Nature of the Necessary Being (915 Downloads)
An Analyzing on Audience Encountering with Artistic Work based on Transcendent wisdom (885 Downloads)
Faith from the Viewpoint of Qurān and New Testament (821 Downloads)
Different Theories of Things and its Effect in Explanation of Consciousness (809 Downloads)
The variation of theories of Truth in Continental and Analytical philosophies in 20th Century (769 Downloads)
Philosophical Approach to Knowledge in Allame Tabatabaei’s Thought; its Consequences and Implications for Classification of Knowledge (753 Downloads)
Review of Historical Development of effect of Will on Knowledge (747 Downloads)
Heidegger and Mulla Sadra's Non-Conceptual Understanding of Existence (740 Downloads)
The necessity of the resurrection of beings and the detailed study of the resurrection of animals from the point of view of transcendent wisdom (725 Downloads)
God in Paul Tillich’s Thought....... (722 Downloads)
Analysis and critique of Sohravardi theory in psychology (706 Downloads)
Neo-Sadrian Versions of The Truthful Argument and Their Innovation (695 Downloads)
The Quiddity of Intelligence in Sadr’s Philosophy by looking at the Intelligence in Psychology (676 Downloads)
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:: Most studied contents
New Journal website launched ( 1826 view)
About the Journal ( 530 view)
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Metaphysical Investigations ( 1 send)
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New Journal website launched ( 369 print)
About the Journal ( 242 print)
Submission Instruction ( 236 print)
Metaphysical Investigations ( 112 print)
Aims and Scopes ( 91 print)
reviewing ( 87 print)
contact information ( 80 print)
Registration ( 80 print)
Format ( 79 print)
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