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Human metaphysics is a watchtower that contains all of philosophies and science philosophies that are anti-essentialist and anti-realist and beings from the time of Newton until the present. In Human metaphysics things have not essence and essential properties, and this means that things are passive and non-active, and there aren’t any causality and necessity between them. Therefore, things behave not according to causal powers, capacities, and inclinations, but according to properties and conditions that follow from local ana temporal modifications. Also, laws of nature aren’t causal laws but they are pure regularities and therefore they are possible laws and we can’t say laws of nature are true.
To believe to necessity and causality we need to theory that be perfectly non-Human, and old essentialism and new essentialism have could leisure to this theory of perfectly non-Human. In the old and new essentialism, causality and agency any things spring from their essences. In the new essentialism things have causal powers, capacities, and inclinations, they form essential properties of things, and they are bases of necessity and causality of natural processes and they are trouthmakers of laws of nature. Also, laws of nature are causal and necessary laws, and we can say about their being truth.
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