Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2023)                   پژوهش های مابعدالطبیعی 2023, 4(2): 281-302 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohajel N, Asghari M. Philosophy of Education and Analysis of the Place of Religious Experience in It. پژوهش های مابعدالطبیعی 2023; 4 (2) :281-302
URL: http://mi.khu.ac.ir/article-1-257-en.html
1- University of Tabriz , nmohajel@Tabrizu.ac.ir
2- University of Tabriz
Abstract:   (1704 Views)
This article tries to analyze the issue of religious experience and its role and place in the philosophy of education. The issue of religious experience is one of the important issues in the education process in the educational system of a country. Necessarily, in order to understand this issue, one of the methods or philosophical analysis to investigate this issue is the phenomenological method. Religious experience in the field of education and training is a fundamental thing in the education process, but the phenomenological method describes the lived experience from the first-person perspective, and therefore, it is possible to describe and analyze the religious experience of people in the field of education and training with this approach. Basically, learning as the core of education itself is an experience, and phenomenology as the science of analyzing and describing experience is closely related to this. For this purpose, it is necessary to raise the issue of the place of religious experience in education and training, the characteristics of the phenomenological method or approach as well as the types of religious experience and its role in the philosophy of education in general have been mentioned. The main question of this article is how this method can lead us to a better understanding of a person's religious experience in the process of education.

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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Philosophy

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