1- Islamic Azad University
2- Islamic Azad University , mo_akvan2007@yahoo.com
Abstract: (1038 Views)
Phenomenology for Hegel is an idea defined in the book Phenomenology of the Soul. In this book, which was a prelude to his entire philosophical system, on the one hand, he considered the soul as the only truth that governs the world in which the processes of knowing the world are manifested, and on the other hand, he transcended human understanding beyond the realm of daily experience. He interpreted philosophical knowledge more deeply. On this basis, it can even be said that the rule of the soul of the world is in some way based on philosophical knowledge and the process of cognition based on human inner experience. Hegel therefore began his work from the experience of ordinary cognition, that is, sensory certainty and comprehensibility for all human beings, and gradually advanced the evolution of the soul to the deepest layers of cognition, namely perception, comprehension, self-awareness, and reason. In Hegel's phenomenology, dissatisfied consciousness is a stage in the evolution of the freedom of self-consciousness that follows the scene of master and slave, portico and skepticism. These stages represent self-awareness, which is increasingly aware of itself as negative. This study aims to explain what and how dissatisfied consciousness is in Hegel's philosophy. In this regard, first Hegel's phenomenology and how to promote consciousness in the soul from his perspective is examined and then the concept of dissatisfied consciousness is expressed and then Jean Wall's view on Hegel's dissatisfied consciousness is presented and finally the reasons for the importance of his view are interpreted.
Article number: 14
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