Associated Professor at Depatment of Philosophy, Theology and Ethics, Payame Noor, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (1102 Views)
Mohammad-Ibne-Abdola-Ibne Masarreh-Ibne Najih Alghertebi (883-931) is known as one of the earlier pioneer intellectuals, philosophers and sophists of Andalus Area who managed to found the bases and principles of “Almarie”, the mystical philosophical school of thought at the west of Islam World. The recent discovery of two of his dissertation in Chesterbeaty, Dublin, by Mohammad Kamal Ebrahim Jafar indicates the pioneer samples of unique theoretical thought in Andalus.
The complexity accompanying the metonymy of these works certifies a unique form of mystical philosophy which later on developed at the west of Islam world and Africa. Accordingly, the proper reading, analysis, and delicate interpretation of this text not only reflects the formation of a comprehensive outlook of Ibne- Masarreh thoughts but also reveals the significance of the rereading and the complexities of Andalusian evolutionary intellectual life. The continuous trend of Andalusian mystical philosophy by Ibne-Tofeil, Ibene- Arif, and Ibne Arabi originate from his intellectuality.
This research intends to introduce the translation of Khavase- Alhoroph (a dissertation on the role and status of mystical letters in epistemology and existence) which is longer than his other dissertation titled (Al Eitebar) revealing the complex tradition of decline, Sufism, Neoplatonism, Esotericism, and more specifically some characteristics of Shiei-Esmaeili teachings
Article number: 20
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