Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-2024)                   پژوهش های مابعدالطبیعی 2024, 5(1): 149-168 | Back to browse issues page

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Yousefi A, Sheikh M. The Relation between Spiritual Practice (Soluk) and Mystical Intuition (Shohud) in the Mysticism of Ibn Arabi. پژوهش های مابعدالطبیعی 2024; 5 (1) :149-168
URL: http://mi.khu.ac.ir/article-1-279-en.html
1- Tehran University
2- University of Tehran , Ma.sheikh@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (934 Views)
In the relation between spiritual wayfaring (Suluk) and mystical intuition (Shuhud), two general aspects play a crucial role: Righteous Spiritual Wayfaring Leading to Divine Intuition: Proper spiritual wayfaring serves as the cause for genuine mystical intuition and a connection to the source of divine intuition. The Influence of Spiritual Wayfaring on the Quality of Intuition: The quality of mystical intuition is also affected by the manner of spiritual wayfaring.
While these two primary facets in the theory of the correlation between spiritual wayfaring and intuition do not claim to explain all the reasons for the authenticity of intuition or demonstrate the rationale behind all its characteristics, as elucidated, a clear alignment between the features of spiritual conduct and mystical intuition can be established in specific instances. This alignment has been demonstrated in various aspects of Ibn Arabi's mysticism.
The correlation between academic spiritual wayfaring and detailed mystical intuition, secretive spiritual wayfaring devoted to the knowledge of letters and numbers, and mystical intuition grounded in the numerical and alphabetical aspects of the world; instrumental spiritual wayfaring and a world based on the system of Names and Divine names; the stages of existential knowledge in spiritual wayfaring and graded and detailed existentialism in the process of creation; and finally, the prominence of knowledge in the attributes of a perfect human being, all correspond harmoniously with Ibn Arabi's knowledge-centered spiritual wayfaring. therefore, his intuitive knowledge aligns proportionately with his spiritual conduct, as depicted in the researched model within Ibn Arabi's mysticism.

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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Mystical

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