Volume 3, Issue 1 (Spring and Summer 2022)                   پژوهش های مابعدالطبیعی 2022, 3(1): 435-452 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohajel N. Metaphysical foundations of Islamic art. پژوهش های مابعدالطبیعی 2022; 3 (1) : 17
URL: http://mi.khu.ac.ir/article-1-171-en.html
Tabriz Islamic Art University
Abstract:   (1142 Views)
In this article, we try to study the philosophical or metaphysical foundations of Islamic art by relying on the main currents of Islamic philosophies such as Peripatetic and philosophies and transcendent wisdom to focus on several key concepts such as the principles of light, the principle of unity and plurality, the principle of imagination. Explain the principle of manifestation, etc. and show that understanding philosophy of art or aesthetics in the general sense of the word in Islamic culture, unlike Western culture, feeds on philosophical, religious and even mystical principles. Mosques as an example of Islamic architecture as a work of great Islamic art throughout history have gathered all four principles in their various forms. The Islamic artist wears his mind and psyche on religious and mystical teachings before engaging in artistic creation. In this article, relying on the sayings of philosophers and mystics such as Suhrawardi or Ibn Arabi or Mulla Sadra, we try to show the elements or rather the above four supernatural principles by quoting the works of these thinkers and commentators of these thinkers that the content of Islamic art is completely spiritual and The boiling of this spiritual matter has been the boiling point of Islamic art throughout its long history.
Article number: 17
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Philosophy

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