1. Heidegger, Martin ( 1926). Being and Time, Translated by John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.
2. Heidegger, Martin (1985), History of the Concept of Time, Prolegomena,Trans by t. Kisiel, Indiana University press.
3. Heidegger, Martin (1971), Poetry, Language, thought, Trans by A. Hofstadter, Harper and Row press
4. Heidegger, Martin (1996), Basic Writings, by David Forrell, Routledge.
5. Metz, Thaddeus (2007).”Meaning of Life”. Metaphysics Research Lab, CSL, Stanford University. From http://Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
6. Metz, Thaddeus (2001), “the Concept of a Meaningful Life”, American philosophical Quarterly 38, pp. 137-153
7. Macquarrie, John (1985), Existentialism, penguin Books.
8. Young, Julian (2003), the death of God and the meaning of life, London,Routledge.