1- Payame Noor University , farajireza25@yahoo.com
2- Payame Noor University
Abstract: (1047 Views)
Absract: Language is of special importance as one of the main tools for human beings to communicate. In such a way that in various sciences, physical and non-physical aspects have been studied and considered in depth. Philosophers, too, have given it a special place during their discussions. More than ever, contemporary philosophers have debated different aspects of language. Husserl and Wittgenstein, two prominent and influential contemporary philosophers, have not been unaware of its importance. Husserl, by formulating a new method of transcendental phenomenology, provides language with the meanings of the ideal and makes it an ideal manifestation. Wittgenstein goes a step further and considers it essentially the task of philosophy to study and analyze the structure of language. In the first period, language reflects the world through the visual theory of meaning, and in the second period, by proposing the theory of language play, it gives it a functional face. In this research, we try to study and apply the issue of language in the regard of both philosophers, considering the importance of human communication in the contemporary era, and due to the deep thinking in the available sources.
Keyterm: Husserl, Wittgenstein, Language, Phenomenology, Language Games, Visual Theory.
Article number: 12
Type of Study:
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