1- Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz , s.asadinia.2013@gmail.com
2- University of Tehran
Abstract: (1127 Views)
Jonathan Edwards, a New England theologian and theorist, in response to the extremist current of Enlightenment rationalism and the isolation of revelatory teachings in the process of describing moral beauty, believes that man, due to the disease of descent, needs a kind of resurrection and return to natural situation According to him, the creation of man is done by God and under two general principles of human nature (essence) and his inclinations (tendencies); but returning to the natural state is possible only with the grace of God. Man, influenced by divine grace, undergoes changes in his conscious desires and will that become the source of his choice. The most important conscious choice of man in this field is to get out of self-centered love and make a collective good choice. Although this choice is influenced by the understanding of the mental and conceptual part of man, but the influence of human emotions and tendencies on the will eliminates the passivity and indifference of mental activities in morality. If this sublime current continues, all human conditions will take on the color and smell of love for God, which is the moral beauty
Article number: 6