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Abstract:   (178 Views)
 One of the currently main crises among Muslims is personal identity. Most Islamic contemporary thinkers have tried to describe how to deal with it. Most of these encounters have been explained more in the context of the collective dimension of identity. At the same time, some of them have followed the crisis in the Muslim and sought to analyze it. This question, which has long been of interest to philosophers, is now metaphysically raised in the tradition of analytical philosophy. However, new approaches, by expressing serious criticisms, speak of distinct levels of this question. Considering these distinctions and some contemporary thinkers such as Shayegan, who saw the crisis of identity in the emotional structure of Muslims, this research attempts to analyze the crisis of Muslim identity by expanding his view and utilizing contemporary theories on emotions. He, based on the deep connection between religion and emotions, launches his research with the nature of emotion among Muslim philosophers, especially Avicenna. Therefore, by explaining Avicenna's theory of emotion and his perception of the role of emotion in his philosophical system, by expanding his method of confronting it in today's world, he creates another path for reviving the intellectual tradition and confronting the crises of the Islamic world.
Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Philosophy

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