Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2023)                   پژوهش های مابعدالطبیعی 2023, 4(2): 7-40 | Back to browse issues page

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Rasoulipour R, Aliakbarzadeh H. The Theology of the Event; Critical Reflections on “Religion without Metaphysics” From the Perspective of John D Caputo. پژوهش های مابعدالطبیعی 2023; 4 (2) :7-40
URL: http://mi.khu.ac.ir/article-1-255-en.html
1- Kharazmi University , rasouli@khu.ac.ir
2- Culture and Research, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1752 Views)
The Theology of Event" is a new approach to theology that is rooted in postmodern philosophies. The concept that John D. Caputo, the American philosopher of religion, based on the ideas of her teacher Jacques Derrida, has established to negate the theological systems based on traditional western philosophy and seeks religion minus metaphysics. Event Theology tells about a kind of instability in meaning, and depicts a threshold and indeterminate situation in theological concepts. This attitude denies the permission of any absolutism and systematization, and in a word, metaphysics-centeredness in theological concepts from human thought. The Theology of Event talks about concepts that are continuously being realized, an open, unpredictable, and uncontrollable future, and instead of epistemological strains, it emphasizes the pragmatic and existential features of religion.  In the Theology of Events, instead of dealing with religious knowledge, which is necessarily a metaphysical matter, serious attention is paid to religious rituals such as altruism, good deeds, seeking justice, and ethics. But from a critical point of view, one should ask whether theology minus metaphysics is conceivable in principle? In other words, is it possible to enter the field of theology without philosophical interpretation and formulation? This article is an answer to this basic question against the concept of the Theology of Events.
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Philosophy

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