Metaphysical Investigations- Article Evaluation Guide
Article Evaluation Guide

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Log in to the system using your username and password.
From the left side of the page, under the username dropdown, select the "Article Review Section" option.
On this page, you can view the articles sent to you for evaluation.
First, click on the Word button located under the "Download" option and opposite the article title to download and read the article. After reading the article, click on the Review button located under the "Start" option to open the article evaluation form and proceed with completing it.
If you need to temporarily save the form information, check the box labeled "The review form is incomplete and will be finalized after further editing (temporary save of information)." Otherwise, be sure to select the Submit Information option to send the evaluation form to the journal. Until the Submit Information option is selected, the journal will not be able to view your completed evaluation form.
Topic URL in Metaphysical Investigations website:
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